The story begins with my mother, Olga, who discovered her love for knitting at just 10 years old. Fascinated by the idea that a single string of yarn could be transformed into an entire garment, she quickly became passionate about the craft. Over the course of 45 years, she perfected her technique, experimenting with materials from alpaca to wool, but it was cashmere that truly stood in a league of its own. Since she always struggled with the cold and has very sensitive skin, cashmere’s unmatched softness, warmth, and quality convinced her that it’s worth every penny. This is why she now exclusively uses the finest cashmere yarn in her hand-knitted designs.

She is dedicated to using natural fibers that are perfect for sensitive skin and allergy-friendly, while also crafting garments that adjust beautifully to the body, offering a flattering, close fit. Cashmere provides a modest yet elegant and luxurious feel, with timeless sophistication. As she always told me, “Every woman with high standards should have cashmere in her wardrobe and understand its lasting value.”

Grateful for all the pieces my mother has made for me and everything she’s taught me, I—Michelle—share her love and enthusiasm for these hand-knitted creations, as well as her appreciation for the quality that cashmere brings. Together, we see the unique, timeless elegance in every piece.

We’ve always shared the dream of building a business around our passion for cashmere. While my mother hand-knits each one-of-a-kind creation, my role is to bring these exceptional pieces to the world. I oversee distribution, sales, and marketing, ensuring that every unique creation finds its perfect new home.

Together, we are committed to exceptional craftsmanship and believe that true beauty lies in the details. We’re excited to share our journey and our hand-knitted cashmere creations with you.


The cashmere is sourced from the highlands of Inner Mongolia, Central Asia, where Circus goats have adapted to the region’s severe temperature changes by developing incredible thick coats. These coats consist of a rough outer layer and a fine, soft inner layer - it’s from this delicate undercoat that the finest cashmere is gathered.

Once a year this precious undercoat is gently harvested and the raw fibers sent to Italy , where they undergo a refined, centuries-old process to transform into the luxurious yarn we use today. Each fiber is no more than 15.5 microns in diameter, ensuring the softness you can feel in every piece. The length is always at least 38mm, which adds durability and ensures a smooth, lasting finish. And the color—pure, natural, and the cleanest white—allows us to create timeless, elegant designs. We also primarily use non-dyed yarn to preserve the natural tones.